Social Media for the Boardroom

Risk for Good has a keen interest to insure that executives are using all the technology and perspectives available to them to manage risk.  Our process is built for your enterprise to assess and manage risk so it can grow and mature on plan.

How is Your Company Addressing the Digital Transformation?

SEC CEOs can tweet

Where is your board on using social media to monitor risks?


Social media is a tool being used by your investors, customers, employees and competitors.  Knowing how to leverage this revolution will be a critical skill for executives and directors in 2013.

We believe that CEOs and board chairs set the culture for risk taking on staying current.  In today’s fast changing, global business it is essential that you understand the digital landscape.  We are here to accelerate your learning on social media and the technology that is revolutionizing business.

Why hire

Alistair Smith

It is just the beginning, it is not too early or too late.  We can work with you to find your way to engage in the digital world.