Sit Down, Listen Up: We’re Here to Help You Stop Worrying about Falling Behind

I’m so excited because tomorrow I start my travels.  I’m headed to Chicago for the Fall Trustee meeting for the ASSE Foundation.  I am Vice-Chair and love my board service.  I get great pleasure in seeing executives and companies support the future of the safety, health and environmental profession.

Then on to Washington, DC to speak at the National Association of Corporate Directors 2010 Conference.  I’m speaking on a subject that is very new and is requiring the business world to rethink and relearn.  The session is for corporate directors to learn about what is happening and the business impact of the digital world.

If the program hadn’t already gone to print I’d rename my panel, “Sit Down, Listen Up: We’re Here to Help  You Stop Worrying about Falling Behind.”

Some of the facts that are driving the digital world are contained in a recent report from The Access Point.  These results include: how corporate communicators are using social media, the priorities and challenges they are encountering and how they’re funding and measuring their efforts.

This study surveyed 80 senior-level corporate communicators at companies with annual revenues from $2 million to more than $100 billion and representing industries as diverse as finance, technology, telecom, transportation, media, entertainment, real estate and retail.

Here are some Key Findings I’ll be sharing:

  • Social media continues to be an urgent and growing priority among communicators– even as uncertainty exists regarding how to measure and report social media program results and ROI.
  • Nearly all (87 percent) expect social media to significantly or dramatically change how corporate communications teams communicate with target audiences.
  • While budgets for social media programs remain a moving target, nearly all (89 percent) intend to increase their investment in social media in the coming year.
  • One of the major obstacles communicators face in the adoption and usage of social media is a lack of understanding among internal stakeholders within their organizations.
  • Most feel they have mastered the social media “basics”  such as: Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn. They are now seeking to take social media to “the next level.”

Stay tuned for more good stuff coming from Risk for Good as we travel to the NACD conference.  The plane leaves tomorrow bright and early.  Gotta go!

Best, Fay