Don’t I Know You? Bring your Big #Reputation Online!


Don't I know you

Is 2013 the year you are taking social technology seriously enough to engage personally on Twitter?  If so, you may be surprised by the impact on your real life reputation once you go social.

Like the new years resolution for going to the gym, I’m seeing some new people showing up on Twitter. These are people who have established reputations in real life – CEOs, corporate counsel and entrepreneurs.  We even have a hashtag for CEOs who are leading their organizations to leverage social technology #socialCEO .

You may be in enterprises where your business has been engaging in social media for marketing but not personally.  With the IBM Social CEO Survey data we are seeing 16% of CEOs on social media with expectation for that number to triple in five years.

Like the new faces at the gym, I’m here to welcome you and share what I know about operating the equipment safely. Last thing I want is to see someone risking their personal safety and getting hurt!

I’m happy you are here and interested in following you. Like any place, new people bring fresh perspectives and insights. I speak about making this happen in the boardroom and I live it online.  My big idea for 2013 is “let it begin with me.”  With the amazing transparency I’m seeing the last thing I want to do is expose my reputation by going all command and control.  “Do what I say, not what I do” falls into a category of lessons I’m unlearning.

My board clients are generally not going on Twitter to engage but to observe the #corpgov conversation, follow their customers, company, executives, competitors, employees, investors and issues of interest.  Together we curate a Twitter feed that filters a bespoke experience and closes their information gap.  Directors don’t need to tweet to govern the digital revolution.  What they need to do is listen and understand the strategic issues.  These insights come from big data analytics and are affectionately referred to as “social media exhaust.”

When I bring clients with big off line reputations online their reputation risk goes way up.  Here is my process to equip them to have an experience that will transform them and accelerate their business in the digital revolution:

Week One:

Tour Twitter and identify how it is being used in your ecosystem by collaborators and competitors.

Goal setting: clarify thinking about why you are using Twitter:

  1. Who do you want to connect with on Twitter?
  2. Learn how to listen/speak
  3. How will people connect with you?
  4. Who will you follow back?
  5. How to deal with people who you don’t want to follow you?
  6. Learn what authentic engagement looks like by following my favorites in #corpgov #law #CSR #diversity #ESG #safety #socialmedia and more. [Read more…]